I. Personal details:
Born: May 1., 1971, Târgu Mureş (Romania)
Marital status: married
Employment: lecturer, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Work address: Arany János Street 11, 400028 Cluj Napoca, Romania
Telephone: +40264593833/5762
E-mail: [email protected]
Webpage: https://chem.ubbcluj.ro/romana/ANEX/inginerie/research/ceex_5946/reka.htm
II. Studies:
- 1985-1989: Chemical High School, Târgu Mureş (Romania)
- 1989-1994: B.Sc. in Engineering of silicate- and oxide materials, Technical University of Timişoara, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Department of Science and Engineering of Oxidic Materials, Timișoara (Romania)
- 1994-1997: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Veszprém (Hungary). The thesis was defended in November 2000 Summa cum laude. The title of the thesis: Modification of the properties of hydroxyapatite bioceramic by F−-ion substitution. Scientific supervisor: Dr. Kotsis Leventéné.
III. Scientific career:
- 1997-1998: Scientific assistant at the University of Veszprém (Hungary), Department of Silicate and Materials Engineering.
- 1999-2000: Scientific assistant at the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Freiberg (Germany), Institute of Ceramic Materials.
- 2000-2002: Postdoctoral scholarship at the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Freiberg (Germany), Institute of Thermal Process Engineering.
- 2004-2005: Scholarship for postdoctoral lecture qualification at the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Freiberg (Germany), Department of Ceramic Engineering.
- 2005: Scientific assistant at the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology (Germany), Department of Ceramic Engineering.
- 2006- …: Lecturer at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
IV. Research domain: transport phenomena, crystallization, bioceramics, advanced ceramics, preparation and characterization of nanopowders, biofilters.
V. Scientific activity:
- 1996: member of the Preparation of high purity hydroxyapatite powders research project, Institute for Materials Sciences, Pannon University, Veszprém (Hungary)
- 1996-1998: member of the Preparation of fluorhydroxyapatites by two different methods; chemical characterization of apatites and comparison of different analytical methods for Ca-, P- and F- determination research project, Institute for Materials Sciences, Pannon University, Veszprém (Hungary)
- 1997: member of the Sintering of translucent Al2O3 -ceramics by Pulsed Electric Current Sintering Method research project, Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka (Japan).
- 1997-1998: coordinator of the Medical certification for preparation of hydroxyapatite powders research project, Institute for Materials Sciences, Pannon University, Veszprém (Hungary).
- 1998: member of the Spatial Image Analysis of porous Al2O3 ceramic samples research project, Institut für Keramische Werkstoffe, TU Bergakademie, Freiberg (Germany).
- 1999-2000: member of the Materials of fuel cells research project, Institut für Keramische Werkstoffe, TU Bergakademie, Freiberg (Germany)
- 2000-2002: member of the Characterization of biofilter materials research project, Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, TU Bergakademie, Freiberg (Germany)
- 2004-2005: member of the Thermal Spraying (setting into operation of the MASTER JET type flame spray gun) research project, Institut für Keramik, Glas- und Baustofftechnik, TU Bergakademie, Freiberg (Germany)
- 2004-2005: coordinator of the Nanopowders in MgO-C Refractories (direction of DFG- Project) research project, Institut für Keramik, Glas- und Baustofftechnik, TU Bergakademie, Freiberg (Germany)
- 2006-2008: coordinator of the Preparation, Characterization and Deposition of Apatites as Materials or Additive Materials to Artificial Bone Substitute research project, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), financed by the National Excellences Research Project for Researchers Reintegration programme of the Ministry of Education and Research, Romania
- 2008: coordinator of the Elaboration of wood waste based bricks for construction project based on service attestation by S.C. Magic House S.R.L. Partners: Azomureș S.A, Chemicer S.A, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
- 2009-2010: member of the Improving University Management project, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
- 2010-...: member of the Doctoral program for high qualified human resource in the interdiscipliner research project (POSDRU/21/1.5/G/36154), Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
VI. Teaching activity
At the Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering:
- Mass Transfer course, seminar and laboratory work (B.Sc., compulsory, 1st semester)
- Impuls Transfer course, seminar and laboratory work (B.Sc., compulsory, 1st semester)
- Transport Phenomena course and seminar (B.Sc., compulsory, 2nd semester)
- Heat Transfer course, seminar and laboratory work (B.Sc., compulsory, 2nd semester)
- Nanotechnology course and seminar (B.Sc., optional, 2nd semester)
Formerly at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany):
- 2000-2002: Heat Transfer lab course (in the frame of Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik)
- 2004-2005: Geopolymers/Bioceramics lab course (in the frame of Institut für Keramik, Glas- und Baustofftechnik)
- 2004-2005: Testing of refractories lab course (in the frame of Institut für Keramik, Glas- und Baustofftechnik)
- 2004-2005: Ceramics courses: 1. Bioceramics , 2. Flame spraying (in the frame of Institut für Keramik, Glas- und Baustofftechnik)
VII. Membership (Professional Societies / Editorial Board of Scientific Journals)
- Member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
VIII. Language skills:
- Hungarian – mother tongue
- Romanian – fluent
- English – fluent
- German – fluent
- French – basic